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Reading the news stories about Tahlequa, the orca who carried her dead calf with her for 17 days has ignited a flurry of activity with bereaved parents across the globe. We know this pain. We know this feeling. And as a bereaved mom, I am somewhat envious of the 17...


Did you see me mommy and daddy, the other day flying by? I was that beautiful little black and yellow butterfly. I saw that you were smiling, and breathing in the air. I am so happy mommy, you are okay, even though I’m not there. I thought I heard you whisper, there...

~I Am Here~

Please mommy and daddy, don’t cry, do not be sad. Treasure the time how ever short we had. I miss you too, but I can feel your love. Even up here flying, like a little dove. I know it seems scary, and you feel all alone. No one can ever replace me, I was your own....