Colton’s Story

“I can’t find his heartbeat,” the nurse said, “I’m so sorry Alexandra.” My entire body went cold. From head to toe there was this numbing ache that I can’t quite put into words. My head was empty. My heart was empty. Most of all my arms...

The Unexpected

My partner and I got pregnant December 2014. When we found out we were thrilled, and had no worries at all. We live in our beautiful little home, with our two dogs and our cat, our careers are great and we knew that this would be the time where our family would grow....

The Ongoing Journey

My husband Nigel and I were together for 7 years before we were married, so the natural step after the big plunge was to have children. We enjoyed our married life for a while but realized that we were not getting pregnant. So we went to see a specialist and they...