Are you a Health Provider that cares for early pregnancy loss patients and their families (e.g. emergency department staff, midwives, primary care clinics, early pregnancy evaluation clinics, outpatient procedure clinics, and others)? Join us on Tuesday, February 4 for an Early Pregnancy Loss Toolkit In-Service.
In October 2024, PAIL Network launched the Early Pregnancy Loss (EPL) Provider Toolkit. This open-access toolkit was designed to be modified for any organization that cares for EPL patients. It contains both health care provider and patient resources, as well as tools to support leaders as they initiate and implement process changes. The creators of this toolkit, two bedside nurses, are hosting an in-service to support providers in adapting this toolkit to their organization.
This in-service will:
*Participants will be asked at registration to identify any gaps and needs in EPL care in their area of practice prior to the presentation, so that together we can brainstorm ways the toolkit can be adapted to their unique context.
Hosted by: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Deadline to Register is Monday, January 20, 2025
We look forward to working together to improve EPL care in your organization. If you have any additional questions about this workshop, please email
If you are hosting an event with PAIL Network, or hosting an event to raise awareness for pregnancy and infant loss in Ontario, please send the details to We'd be happy to list your event in our calendar.
If you're interested in learning more about organizing an event in your community, please get in touch.