Thank you for your interest in providing skilled and compassionate care to families who experience the loss of a pregnancy or death of their baby.  This section has been created to assist you in your work. We hope you find the resources useful – please feel free to download, share, and reference them!  

Below you will find links to more information about:

  • Education and e-learning opportunities (Compassionate Care Workshops, Communication e-learning module)
  • Resources for professionals (videos, downloads, newsletter, information and practice suggestions) and families (videos and downloads) such as communication with families, memory making, forming bereavement committees, lactation after loss, employment leave after loss, etc.

Education and E-learning

PAIL Network’s professional workshops and events can help you understand the best ways to help families navigate their loss. Learn more.

Resources for professionals

Information to help health care and service professionals provide skilled and compassionate care to families who have experienced a loss. Learn more.

If you have any questions about the various training materials and resources we offer, please contact us at