Resource library

PAIL Network resources

Our guides have been developed by healthcare providers and bereaved parents to help you through this difficult time.

Recommended reading


Help, Comfort and Hope After Losing Your Baby in Pregnancy or the First Year

Author: Hannah Lothrop
Publisher: Da Capo Press
Date: 12-Aug-04
ISBN-10: 738209651
ISBN-13: 9780738209654
Keywords: Miscarriage,Stillbirth

All That is Seen and Unseen: A Journey Through A First Trimester Miscarriage

Author: Elizabeth Petrucelli
Publisher: Dragonfly Press, LLC
Date: 23-Feb-12
ISBN-10: 738209651
ISBN-13: 9780738209654
Keywords: Miscarriage,Stillbirth

About What Was Lost: Twenty Writers on Miscarriage, Healing and Hope

Author: Jessica Berger Gross
Publisher: Plume
Date: 26-Dec-06
ISBN-10: 452287995
ISBN-13: 9780452287990
Keywords: Miscarriage

Three Minus One: Stories of Parents’ Love and Loss

Author: Sean Hanish
Publisher: She Writes Press
Date: 06-May-14
ISBN-10: 193814808
ISBN-13: 9781938314803
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss

Stillbirth, Yet Still Born: Grieving and Honoring Your Precious Baby

Author: Deborah L. Davis
Publisher: Fulcrum Publishing
Date: 01-Jul-14
ISBN-10: 193846331
ISBN-13: 9781938486333
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth

An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination

Author: Elizabeth McCracken
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Date: 22-Feb-10
ISBN-10: 316027669
ISBN-13: 9780316027663
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Humour

Unspeakable Losses: Healing From Miscarriage, Abortion and Other Pregnancy Loss

Author: Kim Kluger-Bell
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Date: 26-Apr-00
ISBN-10: 068817390X
ISBN-13: 9780688173906
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Abortion, Termination

Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby

Author: Deborah L. Davis
Publisher: Fulcrum Publishing
Date: 01-Nov-16
ISBN-10: 1936218240
ISBN-13: 9781936218240
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss, Late Term Loss, Grief

Naming the Child: Hope-Filled Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death

Author: Jenny Schroedel
Publisher: Paraclete Press
Date: 01-Mar-09
ISBN-10: 1557255857
ISBN-13: 9781557255853
Keywords: Christian, Spiritual, Miscarriage,Stillbirth,Infant Death

SIDS & Infant Death Survival Guide

Author: Joani Nelson Horchler & Robin Rice
Publisher: SIDS Education Services Inc.
Date: 15-Jun-11
ISBN-10: 964121808
ISBN-13: 9780964121805
Keywords: SIDS, Infant Loss, Grief

For Couples

Grieving Parents: Surviving Loss as a couple through survivors personal and professional insights

Author: Nathalie Himmelrich Kat
Publisher: Biggie Press
Date: 30-Sep-14
ISBN-10: 989934748
ISBN-13: 9780989934749
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Death, Couples, Fathers

For Better or Worse: For Couples Whose Child Has Died

Author: Maribeth Wilder Doerr
Publisher: Centering Corp
Date: Dec-92
ISBN-10: 1561230537
ISBN-13: 9781561230532
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Death, Child Loss, Couples, Fathers

Couple Communication After a Baby Dies: Differing Perspectives

Author: Sherokee Ilse
Publisher: Wintergreen Press Inc
Date: 01-Oct-08
ISBN-10: 1883525039
ISBN-13: 9781883525033
Keywords: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Death, Couples, Fathers

Pregnancy After Loss

Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy after Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss

Author: Ann Douglas & John R. Sussman
Publisher: Taylor Trade Publishing
Date: 01-Oct-00
ISBN-10: 0878331824
ISBN-13: 9780878331826
Keywords: Subsequent Pregnancy

Pregnancy After A Loss: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss

Author: Carol Cirulli Lanham
Publisher: Berkeley
Date: 01-Oct-99
ISBN-10: 0425170470
ISBN-13: 9780425170472
Keywords: Subsequent Pregnancy

How I Came to Hold You

Author: Ben Wakeling

Celebrating Pregnancy Again: Restoring the lost joys of pregnancy after the loss of a child

Author: Franchesca Cox
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Date: 19-Jan-13
ISBN-10: 1481220411
ISBN-13: 9781481220415
Keywords: Subsequent Pregnancy, Loss of a Child

Healing a Parent’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Child Dies

Author: Alan Wolfelt
Publisher: Companion Press
Date: 01-Apr-02
ISBN-10: 1879651300
ISBN-13: 9781879651302
Keywords: Grief

Child Loss

I Walked A Mile With Sorrow: For Bereaved Parents, Family, and Friends

Author: Mary S. Cleckley
Publisher: Centering Corporation
Date: 01-Nov-06
ISBN-10: 1561231940
ISBN-13: 9781561231942
Keywords: Grief, Child Loss, Friends & Family

Beyond Tears: Living After Losing a Child

Author: Ellen Mitchell
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Date: 03-Mar-09
ISBN-10: 0312545093
ISBN-13: 9780312545192
Keywords: Grief, Child Loss

Dear Parents: Letters to Bereaved Parents from Bereaved Parents

Author: Various
Publisher: Centering Corporation
Date: Jun-89
ISBN-10: 1561230332
ISBN-13: 9781561230334
Keywords: Child Loss, Miscarriage, Stiillbirth, Grief

Journalling & Record Books

Infinite Hugs: Baby Memory Journal

Author: M Vrana Anger
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Date: 08-Dec-13
ISBN-10: 1492946451
ISBN-13: 9781492946458
Keywords: Journal, Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Record Book

Find support online



Baby’s Breath

The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths has now become Baby’s Breath. Our new name effectively reflects our broadened mission to prevent sudden and unexpected infant deaths and stillbirths by: Advocating for and supporting research, Disseminating information, Providing bereavement support to families

Medical termination

Ending A Wanted Pregnancy

Not all pregnancies have a fairy tale ending.  If you’ve received a severe prenatal or maternal diagnosis and have decided to end your wanted pregnancy, this website exists to provide you understanding, comfort and support.  Here you will find the empathy, compassion and solace you deserve following this traumatic and often misunderstood form of pregnancy loss.

A Heartbreaking Choice

This website supports women who have the choice to terminate a much wanted pregnancy. For those who have undergone a pregnancy termination due to a poor prenatal diagnosis, problems with their own health, or for the health of another fetus (selective reduction).

Multiples loss

Multiple Births Canada

Warning: the above website includes images of healthy living multiples.

Loss of a one, more or all multiple birth children to this: “Loss of one, more or all multiple-birth children at any stage of pregnancy, birth or any time after. Support is also offered for Grandparents and Surviving Co-Multiples.

CLIMB – Center for Loss in Multiple Births

A non-profit organization based in Anchorage, Alaska, serving families and others throughout the United States, Canada and beyond. Their mission is, and always has been, to provide parent-to-parent support for all who have experienced the death of one or more of twins or higher multiple birth children at any time from conception through birth, infancy and early childhood.

Grief support

Mothering Your Heart – Facebook

Mothering Your Heart provides compassionate grief support and a private community for women who have experienced infertility, pregnancy and baby loss.

Still Life Canada

Still Life Canada is a non-profit society whose mission is to build a community of support for anyone affected by stillbirth and neonatal death and to promote research to reduce both. We acknowledge death as a dimension of life and we respect grief as a continuing bond.

The Compassionate Friends of Canada

The Compassionate Friends offers support in the grief and trauma which follows the death of a child; no matter the age or cause.

March of Dimes

Provides information on how differently women, men and children can grieve the loss of a pregnancy or infant. Provides a guide and supports for the grieving process.

Bereaved Families of Ontario

At Bereaved Families, we dedicate our work to bereavement support through self-help and mutual aid.  Our strong community spirit mirrors the commitment made by our volunteers and staff. Please see the contact page for region specific groups and contact information.

Bereaved Jewish Families of Ontario

Self-help groups for parents who have lost a child.

Camp Kerry

The Camp Kerry program model embraces a holistic approach to bereavement care, where emphasis is placed on healing both within and between families. Through or retreats, we aim to foster a community of belonging that provides grieving families with memorable and positive experiences of connection, healing and hope.

Dreams of Lullabies

Dreams of Lullabies is a support group for those struggling to build a family.  Whether you are dealing with infertility or repeat pregnancy loss, you are welcome to join our group.

Halton Infertility & Pregnancy Support Services

Offers a Monthly Infertility Support group in which you can talk about Infertility, Miscarriage and many other topcs. Counselling services are also offered.

The Scarborough Hospital

The Pastoral Care Department of the hospital offers a comprehensive perinatal loss program including making mementos at the time of loss, a grief group for parents, and a memorial service for cremated remains or miscarried and aborted fetuses.

A Place to Remember

Uplifting support materials and resources for those who have been touched by a crisis in pregnancy or the death of a baby. This is a Facebook group.

Hannah’s Prayer

Hannah’s Prayer desires to provide Christian based support and encouragement to couples around the world who are struggling with the pain of infertility, pregnancy loss or early infant death.

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope

Putting a face on miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss.  This is a place for us to come together and share our stories and our faces with others who may be looking for reassurance that they are not alone.

Glow in the Woods

Parents of lost babies come here to share the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess – and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood

Grieve Out Loud

Our stories are different, yet they are the same in that our children have been separated from us through the cruelty of death.

My Molar Pregnancy

Offers a collection of information, references and interactive web features for women who have lost a pregnancy due to a hydatidiform mole. My Molar Pregnancy also offers two support groups on Facebook, offering chats with others who are experiencing molar pregnancy or trying to conceive after molar pregnancy.

For fathers

Grieving Dads Project

This project is designed to reach out to all bereaved dads and to provide a conduit to share their stories.  The goals are to bring awareness to the impacts that child loss has on fathers and to let society know that its okay for a father to grieve the loss of a child.  A father shouldn’t have to hide his pain, or feel ashamed to show his emotions.

For children

Rainbows, Guiding Kids Through Life’s Storms

Rainbows for All Children Canada is the largest international non-profit organization committed to helping children and teens grieve and grow after loss.  Rainbows forms partnerships with schools, faith communities and social service agencies so they may establish grief support groups and help vulnerable children. Rainbows builds the confidence and self-esteem of hurting children, improves communications, prevents destructive behaviours, and improves academic performance.


The Hospital for Sick Children

Parents and family members may find this site helpful if they are seeking further information and understanding about what conditions may have been associated with their infant’s death.

Subsequent pregnancy

Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS)

Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS) is a community support resource for women experiencing the confusing and conflicting emotions of grief mixed with joy during the journey through pregnancy after loss. We seek to help expectant mothers celebrate their current pregnancy by choosing hope over fear while still nurturing and honoring the grief over the loss of their deceased child.

Bereavement services, photography, breast milk banks


Milk Banks

Human Milk 4 Human Babies (HM4HB)

HM4HB is a global network represented by community Facebook pages for each state/province/country. These Facebook pages provide a space where families in need can connect with women who have milk to share. HM4HB affirms that human milk is the biological norm for human infants and children. HM4HB does not support the sale of human milk.

Human Milk 4 Human Babies – Eastern Ontario
Human Milk 4 Human Babies – SW Ontario
Human Milk 4 Human Babies – SE Ontario
Human Milk 4 Human Babies – Northern Ontario

Roger Hickson Ontario Human Breastmilk Bank

By collecting, pasteurizing and distributing donated human milk, The Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank offers the extensive health benefits of donor human milk to the most vulnerable babies across the province. The Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank is a non-profit organization and a joint initiative of Mount Sinai Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Donors are required to complete a health check, including blood test, prior to collecting and donating milk. 


Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

NILMDTS aims to introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with a free gift of professional portraiture.  NILMDTS educates and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant. NILMDTS believes these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honouring the child’s legacy.

The Angel Pics Project

The Angel Pics Project has been created to donate photo retouching resources to the parents and families of a stillborn baby.  Through this free service, our skilled digital artists work with a digital copy of your original, eliminating medical equipment, removing marks and bruising, even replacing the background if desired.


The links provided herein are provided for your convenience and are not under the control of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network, and are not intended as an endorsement or an affiliation by Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network (PAIL Network) or individual so linked or named.



Angel Whispers
Angel Whispers exists to provide caring, confidential support services to families who have experienced baby loss.

Briar Patch Centre for Grieving Families
Education, Support & Compassionfor the Whole Family.

Caring Beyond
Caring Beyond offers peer support to parents who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, neonatal death and termination due to poor prenatal diagnosis. We believe all losses to be equal regardless of circumstance or gestation. All of these babies were loved and wanted. Parents considering a subsequent pregnancy are also offered reassurance and support.

Grieving Parents of Edmonton Society
A support group for parents grieving the death of a child regardless of age or circumstance. Provides support from parents who have experienced the death of a child to help other parents cope with their loss.

H.E.A.R.T.S.Baby Loss
A unique Edmonton Area program for anyone touched by the loss of a baby during pregnancy or anytime after birth. Parents, siblings, grandparents, friends & co-workers are welcome to access our resources.  Various regional chapters can be located on the website.

Parent Care
ParentCare is a support group made up of Parents Helping Parents who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or early infant death up to 28 days. The group meets on the third Thursday of every month from 7:30-9:30 PM to share experiences, exchange information, and generally support one another through a difficult and often lonely time.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Program – Grief Support
A part of the Women’s Health Ambulatory Care Program and it provides information regarding choices for completion of a miscarriage (under 12 weeks gestation); guidance and intervention; grief support to parents and other family members who have experienced a pregnancy loss (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, still birth, neonatal death or termination) through individual, couple, and group counselling.

Reproductive Mental Health Support Program
Provides support to women in their reproductive years who are experiencing emotional issues along with their physical reproductive issues. Short term individual, couple, and/or group support with a Mental Health Therapist or Psychologist at no charge.

Sleeping Angels
Support for bereaved parents who have experienced the death of a baby due to early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or in the first few months of life, and SIDS.

Tiny Hands of Hope
Tiny Hands of Hope Society is a non-profit organization built to help families touched by all types of infant loss, including pregnancy loss, neonatal loss, stillbirth, SIDs and infant death to age of 24 months. It is directed by a dedicated group of volunteers whose lives have been touched by the loss of a child.

British Columbia

Abbotsford Hospice – Perinatal Support Program
Offers a specialized grief support program for parents coping with the loss of an infant due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or within the first year of life.

BC Childloss Support Network – Facebook
This group will support parents who lost a child by helping them to get in contact with other bereaved parents in BC, Canada. BCCSN is a peer-to-peer support network, not a professional counselling or clinical mental health program.BCCSN is a peer-to-peer support network, not a professional counselling or clinical mental health programBCCSN is a peer-to-peer support network, not a professional counselling or clinical mental health programs.

BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre – Pregnancy Loss
Services provided: Referrals for emotional support, grief and loss counselling.

BC Bereavement Helpline
The BCBH was established in 1986 and is committed to being a provincial leader in the service, education, advocacy, and research of death and bereavement. The BCBH assists the bereaved and their caregivers in coping and managing grief.

Camp Kerry
The Camp Kerry Program Model embraces a holistic approach to bereavement care where emphasis is placed on healing both within and between families. Through our retreats, we aim to foster a community of belonging that provides grieving families with memorable and positive experiences of connection, healing and hope.

Conceivable Options
Conceivable Options is a Counselling Service committed to providing confidential and highly effective counselling & therapy, support and education to individuals and couples who may be experiencing concerns related to any of the following: infertility, miscarriage & other types of reproductive loss, peri-natal depression and anxiety, post-partum depression and anxiety.

Empty Cradle
Empty Cradle is a peer support group offering friendship and understanding to parents who have experienbced the loss of an infant or failed pregnancy. Empty Cradle’s main goal is to listen and provide support in a safe, caring environment.

Empty Arms Support Group – Victoria, BC – Facebook
Empty Arms is a support group in Victoria, BC, supporting families who have experienced a pregnancy or birth loss.  Our aim is to provide a gentle, relaxing place for parents to join together to grieve, cry, laugh and find support.

Family Services of Greater Vancouver
At Family Services of Greater Vancouver, no matter what you are struggling with, our team of professional counsellors are with you every step of the way.  Information on support groups in the greater Vancouver area.

Living with Loss Counselling Society of BC
LTLC is a not-for-profit organization that provides professional grief counselling to adults and children who have experienced any type of loss.  We offer a confidential and supportive environment in which to discuss your concerns.


Crisis Pregnancy Centre
Infant Loss Support

Women’s Health Clinic
We are a feminist, community health clinic in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Since 1981, we have offered a range of services to women of all ages.

Nova Scotia

Bereved Families of Cape Breton
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IWK Health Centre – Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Support Group
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Bereaved Families of Cape Breton
Bereaved Families of Cape Breton is a registered non-profit organization that was established in 1990 to service Industrial Cape Breton.  It was formed by local social workers, clergy, palliative care workers and bereaved persons who identified the need to support those who have experienced the death of a loved one.  Bereaved Families also acts as a resource in educating the public to cope with and understand the grieving process, and prepare individuals to facilitate and lead Grief Recovery Groups.  In addition to Grief Groups, support and share nights are held regularly at varying locations through CBRM.

IWK Health Centre – Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Support Group
This group is for parents who have experienced a pregnancy loss or death of their newborn.

Project Rachel – Post Abortion Healing
Project Rachel is a confidential post-abortion healing ministry of the Catholic Church, extending the love, mercy and forgiveness of God to anyone suffering the heartache that may follow an abortion choice.  Project Rachel is for people of all walks of life and from all backgrounds.


The Centre for Reproductive Loss
We acknowledge and respond compassionately to the emotional, spiritual and psychological distress of individuals and families affected by such loss as miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, adoption, SIDS, infertility and sterility.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Miscarriage Awareness

Empty Arms Perinatal Loss Support
Offers birth and bereavement support services to baby loss families before, during, and/or after the birth of their baby.  Support is offered in any trimester, under any circumstances.

Virtual Hospice
Information and support on palliative and end-of-life care, loss and grief.

United States


First Candle
First Candle is an American nonprofit organization dedicated to safe pregnancies and the survival of babies through the first years of life.  No matter how deep your grief and how great your pain, remember that you are not alone.

National Share
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support is a community for anyone who experiences the tragic death of a baby.  We often serve parents, grandparents, siblings and others in the family unit, as well as the professionals who care for grieving families.  Share is a national organization with over 75 chapters in 29 states.

American SIDS Institute
Dedicated to the prevention of sudden infant death and the promotion of infant health through an aggressive, comprehensive nationwide program of research, clinical services, education and support.

Bereaved Parents of the USA
A non-profit self help group that offers support, understanding, compassion and hope, especially to the newly bereaved, be they parents, grandparents or siblings struggling to rebuild their lives after the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings.

Action for Stillbirth Awareness & Prevention Coalition
To raise stillbirth awareness, unify voices, and accelerate prevention efforts in the United States.

American Pregnancy Association
Offers a toll-free education and support phone line to assist women and families facing pregnancy loss.  APA also provides education services for infertility, pregnancy health, pregnancy complications, etc.


Footprints Forever
Formerly OC Walk to Remember is an organization that serves families, through our three missions of services: support, education and remembrance. The OC Walk to Remember name will remain with the annual flagship event, the OC Walk to Remember Memorial Service, 5K Walk and Celebration of Angels.

HAND: Helping After Neonatal Death
HAND, which stands for Helping After Neonatal Death, is a non-profit, volunteer group founded in the early 1980’s to provide support and information to bereaved parents, their families and friends following a miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn death. Highlights of this site include a virtual quilt and online newsletter.

HAND of the Peninsula: Helping After Neonatal Death
HAND has supported families in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 30 years. It a volunteer group of parents who have experienced the loss of a baby before, during or after birth. Their experience has established a desire to offer support to parents, their relatives and friends during the normal mourning following miscarriage, interruption of a wanted pregnancy, stillbirth or newborn death of their babies.


The Beautiful Scar Project
To provide grieving families with the resources and support to turn the loss of their baby into a beautiful scar.No familyshould bewithout help or hope.

3 Hopeful Hearts
3 Hopeful Hearts provides bereaved parents and families opportunities to honor, find hope and seek healing through events, support, education and remembrance.

Rowan Tree Foundation
Our mission is to provide ongoing support and resources for families who are coping with the devastating loss of a much-loved child. We carry out this mission by offering outreach services, memorial events, education and awareness opportunities for families dealing with the loss of a child.We serve anyone who has lost a child. From pregnancy loss, stillbirth, through newborns and teens, anyone who has had a loss is welcome to take part in our programs and events.

String of Pearls
String of Pearls was created to provide a nurturing and safe place for families as they navigate the path following a fatal prenatal diagnosis that will result in the death of their baby prior to, or shortly after birth.


Hope After Loss
Hope After Loss, formerly the Hygeia Foundation, is a community of women and men who grieve the loss of a pregnancy or infant. Through peer support, burial assistance, education, and awareness initiatives, we provide connections, comfort, and care to those who have experienced the loss of a baby.

Kelly Ryan Foundation
The Kelly Ryan Foundation provides support to the Hope After Loss’s Burial Assistance Program. The burial assistance program provides assistance to Connecticut families who have lost a baby but can not afford the cost of a burial or cremation.

Macie Grace Foundation
Bill and Wendy McCloskey communicate with parents who anticipate the birth of a critically ill baby or those who have a critically ill infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). They run a support group out of Hartford, CT.


AMEND is an organization based in Tampa, Florida dedicated to providing moral support and encouragement to persons that have experienced a loss during and after pregnancy. We are parents who have experienced such a loss and give of ourselves to help others. Our group extends its support to those individuals who have had early miscarriage, full term stillbirth, and infant losses.

Cherishing the Journey
Cherishing the Journey was founded in 2011 by Jennifer and Josh Harden, parents of baby Matthew, who was given a negative prenatal diagnosis at 16 weeks in-utero. You will have many questions to ask and tears to cry. Though we do not have all of the answers, we are here to help guide you on this journey to cherish every moment you have with your baby.


Rachel’s Gift
Rachel’s Gift Inc. partners with local hospitals to assist parents through the initial phase of infant loss through a base of caring and knowledgeable volunteers. They provide grief assistance for the families as well as a training program for nursing professionals and care givers on companioning patients through infant loss.


The Haven Network
The Haven Network, Northern Illinois’ perinatal hospice and bereavement center, provides companionship on the grief journey to families who are facing a terminal diagnosis of their pre-born or newborn baby. The Haven Network also supports those families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, SIDS and early infant death.


The Chesapeake Life Centre
Our perinatal and infant loss program supports individuals and couples who have experienced an unexpected pregnancy diagnosis, miscarriage, still birth or infant death.


Missing Grace Organization
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Babies Remembered
Offers understanding about the depth of despair, healing light, information, and hope to grieving families facing the darkness after the loss of a precious baby, no matter size or age, and to all who are touched by such tragic losses.Help in finding support, understanding, compassionate care, guidance, resources, networking links, speakers, perinatal loss consultants, excellent standards of bereavement care, literature, and so much more.

Ella’s Halo
Ella’s Halo is a non-profit organization that was developed to help improve the quality of extended stays in Twin Cities Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)..

Ellie’s Light
The mission of Ellie’s Light is to keep Ellie’s Light shining by supporting families with children in the PICU and those who have recently experienced the sudden loss of a child. We will do this by providing simple comforts to those in the hospital and by honoring the lives of their lost children.

Infants Remembered in Silence (IRIS)
Non-profit organization that is dedicated to offering support, education and resources to parents, families, friends and professionals on the death of a child in early pregnancy or from stillbirth, premature birth, neo-natal death, birth defects, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), illness, accidents, and all other types of infant & early childhood death.

Missing Grace Organization
The Missing GRACE Organization serves to help families on their journey through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility and adoption. They provide support and resources to aid individuals as they Grieve, Restore, Arise, Commemorate and Educate. Further, they commit to make available educational opportunities that will help bring about awareness and prevention of stillbirth.

The Star Legacy Foundation
The Star Legacy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to stillbirth research and education. We are a community of parents, families, and friends of stillborn babies who are dedicated to reducing the number of families that endure such a needless tragedy.


National Share
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support is acommunity foranyone who experiencesthe tragic death of a baby. We often serve parents, grandparents, siblings, and others in the family unit, as well as the professionals who care for grieving families. Share is a national organization withover 75 chapters in 29 states. Our services include bed-sidecompanions, phone counseling, face-to-face support group meetings, resource packets, privateonline communities, memorial events, training for caregivers, and so much more.


Mary Madeline Project
It is the purpose of the Mary Madeline Project to provide comfort and support to grieving families that have suffered the death of a baby. It was founded in memory of Madeline Marie Erickson who died at seven weeks of age and in honor of all the babies before and after her that have touched our lives. We are a non-profit organization that donates infant burial gowns and blankets to local hospitals for bereaving parents.

New York

The COPE Foundation
COPE (Connecting Our Paths Eternally) is a non-profit grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss of a child.

National Council of Jewish Women
For more than three decades, the Pregnancy Loss Support Program has offered free counseling and support for parents who have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death, as well as to women who are pregnant following a loss. Our programs are open to all regardless of background, religion, gender and sexual orientation. There is absolutely no religious aspect to our support programs, and all faiths are welcome, as are single parents.

Seleni is a nonprofit organization that provides clinical care, online information, and research funding for women’s reproductive and maternal mental health.

North Carolina

Caleb Ministries
Caleb Ministries ministers to women and families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, early-infant death, or women who struggle with infertility or who are post-abortive.

Heartstrings provides compassionate validation, bereavement education and hope to families who have suffered pregnancy and infant loss through distinctive peer-based support programs guided by bereaved parents in partnership with professional facilitators.


Safe Birth Project
The Safe Birth Project is designed to help parents and children through the pregnancy and birth process. This website acts as an educational tool for both soon-to-be parents, and new parents of any children that may have endured birth injuries along the way.


Postpartum Support International
The purpose of the organization is to increase awareness among public and professional communities about the emotional changes that women experience during pregnancy and postpartum.PSI headquarters is located in Portland Oregon and has members all over the world, including volunteer coordinators in every one of the United States and in more than 36 other countries.

Rhode Island

Project Sweet Peas
A non-profit organization run by volunteers across the country, who through personal experience have become passionate about providing comfort to families with children in the intensive care units and to those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.

South Carolina

Naomi’s Circle
Naomi’s Circle is a gathering place for parents of babies in heaven, and for the professionals, friends and family who want to know how to help them. Offering support for parents dealing with Pregnancy Loss and Early Infant Death.


Glory Babies
We are a Christ-centered support group offering hope and healing for those grieving the loss of a baby during pregnancy or infancy and/or for those struggling with infertility

Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death
Not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to reach out to those who have lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death and offer a way to share experiences and information through meetings, the bi-monthly newsletter, and our Internet web site.


Miscarriage Support
We developed this site to provide a place where people can come and find resources, people and education to help begin healing from a miscarriage. We know first hand the feelings of devastation, loneliness and pain involved in miscarriage.


HopeXchange is an organization supporting those coping with miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.Our mission is offering better and expanding resources to women, their families, and the medical community.

Loss of Loved Ones to Sudden Tragedy
Our mission is to support, by all means possible, those left behind after the loss of a loved one to a sudden tragedy. As you know, those grieving can use all the support they can get.

RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association is a non-profit, charitable organization, who works to improve the lives of women and men living with infertility.

Trisomy 18 Foundation
Hope is at the heart of the Trisomy 18 Foundation—werepresent the hope that those lost to Trisomy 18 will never be forgotten, that those who face Trisomy 18 will be supported, and that one day Trisomy 18 will be eliminated.


Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents
Is dedicated to providing grief support and services to parents who are suffering as the result of the death of their child or children.

The Tears Foundation
The TEARS Foundation is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to compassionately assist bereaved parents with the financial expenses they face in making final arrangements for their precious baby who has died. Many of the founders and volunteers at The TEARS Foundation have experienced the loss of their own baby, and want to reach out in this way to support newly bereaved parents in their time of devastating sorrow.

Skyler’s Gift
While many services are in place for families during hospitals stays in the NICU, after a loss the support is no longer there. That’s where Skyler’s Gift steps in. Skyler’s Gift raises funds to support families in need and also supports ongoing research to prevent premature births and deaths and raise awareness of this very personal issue.

Through the Heart
Through the Heart is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that embraces all types of pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, blighted ovum, chemical pregnancy and pregnancies terminated for medical reasons. No matter the situation or length of gestation, a loss can be difficult to recover from physically, emotionally and mentally.


Elizabeth Ministry
Elizabeth Ministry is an international minister offering many different areas to help the community. There services included: education/resources for churches/community, remembrance workshops, NICU support, requested visitation/meals, letters of encouragement.

Mikayla’s Grace
A non-profit organization that supports families with babies in the NICU and families that have lost a baby, located in Wisconsin.



Postpartum Support International
The purpose of the organization is to increase awareness amont public and professional communities about the emotional changes that women experience during pregnancy and postpartum. When the mental health of the mother is compromised, it affects the whole family.

Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or daughter, a brother or sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.

SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
Their mission is to serve those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth or in the first few months of life, to provide support toward positive resolution of grief experienced at the time of, or following the death of a baby.  This support encompasses emotional, physical, spiritual, and social healing, as well as sustaining the family unit.

RESOLVE Through Sharing
Their mission is to provide and promote dignified, respectful and compassionate bereavement care for patients and families suffering loss throughout the continuum of life.


Grief Watch(for Perinatal Loss)
The Grief Watch site was created to provide bereavement resources memorial products and links that can help someone through their personal loss.  It also serves as an excellent educational tool for all who travel down the road of grief.

Solace for Mothers
Solace for Mothers in an organization designed for the sole purpose of providing and creating support for women who have experienced traumatic childbirth. The resources available through this site offer immediately, personal support to mothers and others who are struggling with birth trauma, PTSD after childbirth and anxiety caused by their birthing experiences.

Perinatal Comfort Care
Hearing the unexpected news that your baby has a serious life-limiting medical condition is devastating.  Right now you feel like you are in a whirlwind of uncertainty and despair, but that is exactly why we are here.

Perinatal Hospice
A list of perinatal hospices and resources if you are choosing to carry to term, available in the United States and internationally.

A Pregnancy Loss is Still A Birthday.