What is Selfish?

Is everything okay? Things move on. Life moves on. Everyone moves on. No one else should stop with his heart. I wouldn’t expect it. But my heart stopped. My life stopped with him. At least for the moment. Should I have let him live to die To verify my love for him?...

Aaron’s Story – Perinatal Hospice

This Saturday October 15, 2016 is the first time that Ontario is marking the internationally recognized Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. After having a miscarriage with our first pregnancy in 2013 and a healthy son born in 2014, my husband and I hoped that we...

Colton’s Story

“I can’t find his heartbeat,” the nurse said, “I’m so sorry Alexandra.” My entire body went cold. From head to toe there was this numbing ache that I can’t quite put into words. My head was empty. My heart was empty. Most of all my arms...

My Story

One of the things that first attracted me to my husband was that he knew he wanted to be a father, and had a very definite idea of how he wanted to parent. When we got married, we started trying right away. Then, month after month, nothing. We were referred to a...

My Loss

I am your typical 30 year old wife of a Canadian soldier and mother to two pretty fun loving kids. We weren’t planning on having another baby, but we were in for such a surprise! I woke up one morning feeling funny. I just knew something was going on with me....

Dear World

On August 7th, I gave birth to my daughter Charlotte. We were thrilled that our oldest daughter would have a little sister. They could share clothes and toys and in fact they almost share a birthday. However, probably the most important thing that they share is their...

The Unexpected

My partner and I got pregnant December 2014. When we found out we were thrilled, and had no worries at all. We live in our beautiful little home, with our two dogs and our cat, our careers are great and we knew that this would be the time where our family would grow....

Here Is My Story

My husband and I were a University sweethearts. We had been together for ten years before getting married and always dreamed of having a family of our own someday. We were just waiting for the “right” time. After being married for two years and being away...

An Unexpected Loss

Last summer, everything was going perfectly. I was newly married to an amazing man, had a job a liked, lived in a cute little apartment, and I was so excited to start a family. I had absolutely nothing to complain about. It only took two months before we were pregnant...