Everything is fine ….

My ex and I had tried for a baby with no luck so I figured I couldn’t get pregnant and we decided to just let it be. I ended up falling pregnant to my surprise in January 2007 and found out in March. Everything seemed to be going good, I had horrible sickness...

No Closure

From the moment I found out I was pregnant with my second child, something in me knew that something was wrong. Call it instinct or mother’s intuition but for some reason I didn’t let myself get too excited. I really had no reason to feel this way as I was...

There is Hope

I wanted to share my story with hopes it helps someone who has had to endure the pain of losing a baby. Reading other people’s stories has helped me. So I hope this helps someone else. My husband and I got married June 9 2012. We wanted to get pregnant soon...

Christmas Twins

My husband and I got married in 2006 and were blessed with a daughter the following year. I say blessed because I was told that I wouldn’t be able to hold a pregnancy do to my PCOS and surgeries done prior. After my daughter was born we got pregnant 6 years...

A Matter of Time

My husband and I found out we were pregnant with our son on March 1st 2012 and right from when I found out I had a feeling something was wrong with my child. I went for my 12 week ultrasound and within 2 hours my doctor called me and said something is wrong and was...

Someone’s Missing

My husband and I decided we were missing someone from our family and we wanted to try for one more baby. Our third and final baby. After some difficulty conceiving our second, I expected it to take a while. After a year we got in touch with a fertility clinic and...

Here One Minute, Gone the Next

It’s has been almost 4 months since I gave birth to the love of my life. I have always wanted to be a mother. It is truly my hearts desire. When I found out I was pregnant in Nov 2013 I was overjoyed. My dream was coming true. I have always been a worrier and...